How to Set Up YouTube Parental Controls in a Few Easy Steps

How to Set Up YouTube Parental Controls in a Few Easy Steps

How to Set Up YouTube Parental Controls in a Few Easy Steps

Posted by on 2023-12-05

With the rise of technology, it is increasingly important for parents to keep their children safe online. One way to do this is by setting up YouTube parental controls. This will help prevent your children from viewing inappropriate content and ensure that they are spending their time wisely on the popular video-sharing website. Setting up these controls only takes a few easy steps and can be done in no time at all.

First, you will need to create a Google account for your child, or use an existing one if they already have one. Once logged into their account, go to the settings page and select “Restricted Mode” which can be found under “Safety”. This feature allows you to block videos that contain explicit content or language as well as other age restricted material. You also have the option of blocking certain channels or specific videos that may not be appropriate for your child's age group.

Next, you can set up additional parental controls using YouTube Kids app which is designed specifically for younger viewers aged 13 and below. With this app, you can easily filter out any inappropriate content such as violence or sexual references so that your child only sees what you deem appropriate for them to watch. You can also set limits on how long your child is able to watch videos each day so that they do not spend too much time on YouTube instead of doing other activities like homework or playing outside with friends.

Finally, make sure that you monitor what type of content your child is watching and taking in via YouTube regularly so that any inappropriate videos are flagged quickly before they become exposed to something they should not see yet. By following these simple steps and staying vigilant about what type of material your children are viewing online, you will be able to provide them with a safer environment while still allowing them access to all the educational benefits of YouTube!