Adjusting Privacy Settings on YouTube

Adjusting Privacy Settings on YouTube

Adjusting privacy settings on YouTube is an important step for ensuring the safety of both yourself and your viewers. It helps protect you from unwanted attention, as well as gives you control over what content can be seen by whom. With a few simple steps, you can customize your account to ensure only those whom you wish to view your videos have access.

First, navigate to the “Privacy” tab in the “Settings” menu. Here, you will be able to select whether or not your YouTube channel is publicly visible. By selecting “Private”, only users who are invited can view your videos; if set to “Public” anyone may watch them without permission. Additionally, there are options that allow specific people or groups of people access regardless of this setting.

Next, take a look at the comments section on each video page and decide whether or not you would like comments enabled for that particular video. You can also choose whether or not other users can add these videos to their playlists or embed them onto other websites using this option.

Finally, review any general notifications that appear in the notification center located near the top of the page—it will show an overview of all activity across your account such as likes and dislikes on videos and messages from subscribers and followers. From here, it is possible to enable/disable certain types of notifications depending on what level of involvement with followers/subscribers you would like to have.

By taking a few moments to adjust privacy settings on YouTube, you can ensure that all activity within your account is tailored according to your preferences and desires.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Parents can use YouTubes Safety Mode to filter out mature content, restrict search results, and turn off comments on videos.
Safety Mode can be enabled by going into the account settings and toggling it on.
Parents can customize the level of filtering by selecting one of three categories in the “Safety Mode” section: Moderate, Strict or Off.
Yes, parents can also set a timer in their childs account that will automatically sign them out after a certain amount of time and limit what kind of content they have access to by changing their age-restriction settings.