Monitored Viewing

Monitored Viewing

Monitored viewing is an important tool for parents to use in order to ensure their children are not exposed to inappropriate or dangerous content. This type of viewing involves a parent closely monitoring the types of movies, television shows, and other media that their child is consuming. By regularly checking what their children are watching, parents can be sure that they are only seeing age-appropriate material and avoiding items that may contain offensive language or violent scenes. Additionally, this form of monitoring provides an opportunity for parents to discuss with their kids the messages these materials may be conveying and have meaningful conversations about topics they encounter in the media.

Overall, monitored viewing offers numerous benefits for both parents and children alike. It allows parents to maintain control over what their kids watch while also providing them with an avenue to talk about difficult issues with their children. As such, it is essential that all families take advantage of this powerful tool and ensure a safe and healthy entertainment environment for everyone involved.

Third-Party Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Monitored viewing is when parents or guardians use a service to monitor and control the content that young people watch on YouTube.
To set up monitored viewing for YouTube, you will need to install a third-party parental control app that is compatible with YouTube.
Monitored viewing allows parents or guardians to block access to inappropriate content such as videos containing violence, profanity, sexual references, and other offensive material.
Yes, some parental control apps are designed specifically for younger children and may have age-appropriate settings or restrictions in place to ensure they only view age-appropriate content.